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Non-Surgical Orthopedics – Delray Beach, FL

Tried-and-True Methods
of Non-Intrusive Care

In the past few decades, non-surgical orthopedics has become increasingly popular. This field of medicine aims to help patients relieve pain and heal from a multitude of injuries without relying on taking medications or going under the knife. Our team at the Institute for Non-Surgical Orthopedics combines proven techniques with leading-edge technology to give our patients the personalized, high-quality treatments they deserve. If you’re ready to feel like yourself again, we’d love to help you. Give us a call today to learn about your options for non-surgical orthopedics in Delray Beach, FL.

Why Choose the Institute
of Non-Surgical Orthopedics?

  • Extremely Accurate Diagnostic Ultrasound Technology
  • Tailor-Made, Hands-On Approach to Care
  • Proven, Comfortable Techniques That Provide Long-Term Results

Diagnostic Imaging

Doctor looking at diagnostic imaging during non surgical orthopedics visit

The first step in any successful treatment is getting the correct diagnosis. For that reason, before our team moves forward with your care, we’ll use various types of diagnostic imaging, including MRI, X-rays, and ultrasound. Musculoskeletal imaging, in particular, is quite accurate at identifying the source of the issue, as it enables us to view the inside of a joint while the body is in motion. Hence, the patient receives more precise treatment and has a better experience overall.

Holistic Medical Options

Doctor examining patient and reviewing holistic medical options

Rather than only treating the part of the body experiencing a problem, holistic medicine takes a full-body approach to wellness. Our holistic treatments include manual therapy and osteopathic manipulation. Both of these hands-on methods of care have been proven to speed up healing and even provide immediate pain relief. As a result, patients can enjoy improved function and comfort without the expenses and risks of surgery or the side effects of various medications.

Low back and neck problems

Person with low back and neck problems holding neck and back in pain

An estimated 75-80% of adults in the U.S. will experience some manner of neck and back pain at some point in their lives. In fact, back pain is currently the most common cause of disability for Americans under the age of 45. Numerous patients have finally found relief for their back and neck pain at the Institute for Non-Surgical Orthopedics. Thanks to our advanced technology, we can identify the underlying cause of the pain and treat it directly. Additionally, we offer pain management techniques to give patients instant relief as they work toward attaining a healthier body in the long run.

Non–cardiac chest wall pain

Person experiencing non caridac chest wall pain

When people discuss chest pain, they overwhelmingly reference heart-related issues, but chest pain can also be the result of an injured or strained chest wall. Due to its proximity to the lungs and heart, treating the chest requires extreme precision. With our diagnostic ultrasound, though, our team can handle the intricacies of diagnosing and treating non-cardiac chest wall pain with ease, resulting in life-changing relief that lasts.

Peri-natal pain issues

Woman experiencing perinatal back pain

The period leading up to and following childbirth can be quite strenuous on the body and lead to strain on a patient’s feet, knees, back, and more. Being a new parent is already stressful enough on its own, but our team can ease the experience by ensuring that you won’t have to worry about musculoskeletal pain. Since we aim to provide care without the use of surgery or drugs, it’s perfect for patients who are expecting, as our treatment options are able to provide results without affecting the baby at all.

Headache Management

Animated cells representing Botox for headache management

Do you wake up with a headache nearly every morning? Do you end up losing entire days because a migraine keeps you from getting out of bed? While the majority of treatments for chronic headaches simply manage the pain, our experts aim to detect the root cause of your pain for direct treatment. We can help strained muscles in the head relax immediately with solutions like cranial osteopathy and Botox injections. From there, we can help you discover the perfect way to eliminate your headaches and migraines going forward.

Percutaneous Tenotomy

Person in pain before percutaneous tenotomy

As complex as its name sounds, percutaneous tenotomy is actually quite straightforward. With this technique, we use ultrasound to remove the compromised tissue of an injured tendon, alleviating the pain and dysfunction that it was causing. This treatment can be adjusted so that any healthy tissue is preserved while the damaged tissue is removed. In cases like these, the vast majority of patients make a full recovery in as little as two to six weeks.

Nerve Hydrodisection

Animated nerves in need of nerve hydrodisection

Many nerve pathways throughout the body are located in tight spaces in muscle tissue. When these muscles experience swelling or inflammation, it places pressure on the adjacent nerves and induces numbness and/or intense pain. Our specialists can assuage this discomfort with nerve hydrodissection. They’ll inject a protective fluid that forms a coating around the afflicted nerve. This barrier encourages the compression to decrease, thereby soothing the pain and restoring function to that area of the body.

TMJ Problems

Man experiencing T M J problems holding jaw in pain

Your jaw is able to move in all directions thanks to your temporomandibular joint (TMJ). It’s also responsible for your ability to chew and talk. The TMJ, like any other joint in the body, is vulnerable to strain, injury, or even arthritis, which may cause uncomfortable stiffness and pain that radiates throughout the head and neck. In fact, TMJ disorder is a lesser-known reason for chronic migraines. We can soothe tense jaw muscles and relieve TMJ pain with solutions like manual therapy, cranial osteopathy, and even Botox injections.

Joint Injections

Knee with animated joint in need of interventional joint injections

At the Institute for Non-Surgical Orthopedics, we offer various interventional injections that can relieve a patient's joint pain, quicken the recovery process, and ultimately give them back the mobility they used to have. Better yet, we use ultrasound technology to guide all of our injections, ensuring that no matter which medicinal solution we’re administering, it is applied in the exact location it needs to be for maximized results.

Splinting, Strapping, Bracing

Doctor strapping patient's knee

These traditional and conservative treatments are still used today for one simple reason – they work! Our doctors may recommend splinting, strapping, and/or bracing an aching joint or muscle as our first course of action. Alternatively, we may suggest them in tandem with other therapies as a means of speeding up the healing process, minimizing discomfort, and improving a patient’s mobility as soon as possible.

Manual Therapy

Doctor performing manual therpay

While manual therapy may look like an ordinary massage, this treatment provides so much more than mere relaxation. One of our specialists moves a part of a patient’s body in a gentle, methodical manner to encourage blood flow, which can expedite healing. Additionally, these motions are carefully designed to negate the signals from the brain that are creating the sensation of pain. So, a patient will feel much freer and more relaxed after a manual therapy session, but in truth, we’ve accomplished much more in terms of their health!

Types of Manual Therapy include:

  • Craniosacral Therapy
  • Soma Therapy
  • Structural Integration
  • Deep tissue massage
  • Neuromuscular Massage
  • Sports Massage

Physical Therapy

Patient performing physical therapy tasks

After an injury, many patients turn to physical therapy as a non-invasive solution for dealing with pain. This approach is tailored to the patient’s unique needs, which may entail therapeutic stretching or pressing against a physician’s hand to gradually build up a weakened muscle. Not only do these specialized techniques reduce pain, but they also enhance function and mobility in the area by minimizing tension and stiffness.

Therapeutic modalities include:

  • Heat
  • Ultrasound
  • Electrical Stimulation
  • Traction
  • Exercise Prescriptions
  • Strengthening exercises
  • Progressive resistance
  • Eccentric, Kinetic strengthening
  • Closed Chain Kinetic exercises
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