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Prolozone Therapy – Delray Beach, FL

Easy Relief from Joint Pain

Countless people across the U.S. struggle with joint pain. If you are one of them, you may wonder what non-surgical treatment options could help you feel better. There is good news! Here at the Institute for Non-Surgical Orthopedics, we are proud to offer Prolozone therapy in Delray Beach. This unique treatment option uses a blend of ozone and other substances to naturally reduce joint pain and get you on the road to a happier, healthier life.

Why Choose the Institute for Non-Surgical Orthopedics for Prolozone Therapy?

  • Experienced Team of Medical Professionals
  • Precise Injections
  • Customized Treatment Plan

What Is Prolozone Therapy?

Patient receiving injection as part of Prolozone therapy in Delray Beach

The name of Prolozone therapy comes from a combination of two other terms — “proliferation” and “ozone.” As those words indicate, the therapy utilizes ozone to stimulate the body’s natural healing response and encourage cells to regrow and proliferate. Among the remarkable things it does is encourage the production of collagen, a structural protein that plays a vital role in joint function.

This holistic and gentle form of regenerative medicine involves the use of injections that contain ozone and a customized combination of other ingredients, such as minerals, vitamins, and more. For example, it might have dextrose to instigate the body’s healing response and lidocaine to produce a pain-dulling effect.

After the Prolozone solution is injected into the body, it serves as a powerful agent for pain relief. It accomplishes its purpose by encouraging blood flow to a particular area, which in turn allows for more nutrients and other healing components to be delivered to damaged tissues. The result is healthier, stronger joints that function and feel better without invasive surgical intervention.

What Conditions Can Prolozone Therapy Treat?

Person with aching knee, may benefit from Prolozone injections

Prolozone may be used to address a wide range of conditions that cause musculoskeletal joint pain. Here are a few specific examples of conditions that it may be suitable for:

  • Degenerated spinal discs
  • Rotator cuff injuries
  • Chronic back pain
  • Osteoarthritis of the knees and hips
  • Elbow or shoulder pain
  • Sports injuries
  • Sciatica
  • Carpal tunnel

Also noteworthy is the fact that Prolozone has shown promise as an alternative treatment for a number of other conditions, such as heart disease, Parkinson’s disease, dental problems, and diabetes. In our practice, we focus primarily on its musculoskeletal applications.

What to Expect with Prolozone Therapy 

Woman in exercise class, enjoying the benefits of Prolozone

Various studies have shown that Prolozone therapy has a high success rate in providing long-term pain relief. Some patients experience noticeable results after just one set of injections in our office. Generally, though, most people must return for 3 – 5 sessions, spaced a few weeks apart, in order to fully benefit from Prolozone.

During your appointments, you can expect a comfortable and easy process. First, we may inject a local anesthetic to dull discomfort from the Prolozone injection. Next, the ozone solution will be administered. You are likely to experience soreness and achiness at the injection site for 24 – 48 hours. Thereafter, the benefits of your treatment should begin to become apparent.

Are you ready to learn more about Prolozone therapy and its outstanding benefits? Get in touch with us today to request a consultation or ask questions.

Prolozone Therapy FAQs

Sticky note with question mark against orange background

Our team is prepared to help you experience the remarkable benefits of Prolozone therapy. Before you commit to a consultation, though, you may want to know more about the path in front of you. We understand that, which is why we have put together the following list of Prolozone FAQs, along with succinct, easy-to-understand answers. If your specific question is not addressed here, please reach out to us directly.

What Is the Difference Between Prolozone and Prolotherapy?

Prolozone and prolotherapy both use the principle of proliferation. That is to say, both involve the use of a mild irritant that lets your body know that it should send healing and growth factors to the site of damaged tissues.

However, Prolozone does even more than prolotherapy because it harnesses the power of ozone, which can reduce discomfort, improve the flow of oxygen, and provide other benefits that you may not be able to experience with prolotherapy on its own.

How Will I Know if My Prolozone Therapy Is Working?

Signs that your Prolozone therapy is working include:

  • A decrease in pain
  • An increase in joint mobility
  • Increased tolerance for physical activities, including walking, running, and playing sports
  • A reduced need for pain medications
  • A reduction in clicking and grinding within a treated joint

These results may begin to become apparent within a few days of your injections. However, it is important to keep in mind that some patients do not notice fast pain relief. You might need a couple of Prolozone sessions, spaced several weeks apart, to experience optimum results from your treatment.

Can I Take Pain Medication to Reduce Discomfort from Prolozone Injections?

Some patients are accustomed to using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to cope with discomfort. Such drugs include ibuprofen, aspirin, and naproxen. Under normal circumstances, it is perfectly fine to use NSAIDs in moderation.

If you are soon going to undergo Prolozone therapy, however, you should stop taking NSAIDs about 3 – 4 days prior to your appointment and continue to abstain from them for at least 3 – 4 days afterward. This is important because even though Prolozone ultimately reduces inflammation, it also causes temporary inflammation as it supports your body’s natural healing processes. NSAIDs reduce inflammation and may therefore lessen the effectiveness of Prolozone.

How Much Does Prolozone Cost?

The cost of Prolozone can vary between patients. During your consultation, we will be happy to share specific numbers with you. You will likely pay at least several hundred dollars. Medical insurance usually does not cover this treatment, but you should still check with your insurer to find out if there are any exceptions. Most patients find that the benefits from Prolozone, including long-term pain relief and minimally invasive treatment, are worth the price.

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